Personal devices used at work: risk of information security

Smart working has allowed us to carry out our duties everywhere, not necessarily in the company headquarters and specially, to use our own devices (computers, tablets and smartphones) for assigned tasks. This new work system has been called by the americans Byod, which stands "Bring your device with you". The primary goal for small, medium and large companies is to reduce costs. But are we sure that is the best way to use personal devices to accomplish jobs? Byod has shown to be a generator of "holes", spaces which create easy access for hackers. The first concern is that companies have limited control over what happens in these personal devices. Furthermore if the device is "infected", hackers will use it to access company data.

Faced with this situation, there are many companies that have banned Byod because in some cases it has represented vulnerability in the security sector, besides taking into consideration the very high number of stolen and never recovered devices. Strict security policies can reduce damages that could affect present and future of a company.

But what can be done?

First of all companies need to be more aware of safety and risks on the Byod.


With the advent of 5G, the new mobile network 20 times faster than the current 4G, there will be new aspects of vulnerability for IT systems of small, medium and large companies, therefore it’s fundamental to provide corporate security.

IES Italia is fully aware of the risks of unsecured browsing, for this reason it has developed IVO, a cybersecurity and parental control device in collaboration with ntop company. What brings forward such ambitious project is the awareness of living in an ever more complex and endangered digital ecosystem.  IVO intends to shield all the negative aspects of the network and return to people a safe and pleasant navigation.


Find out more about IVO. Visit the site and stay updated on upcoming features.




#parental control

#sicurezza informatica

#rete domestica

#sicurezza web





#cyber attack





#home banking


#Signaling System 7

#Common Channel Signalling System 7

#sicurezza digitale

#IES Italia


By IES Team